I whipped up a quick 2017 New Year’s Printable a few days ago and am thrilled to share it with you FREE. 2017 is going to be a whole new year to create new possibilities and dreams. I like that!
I received in an awesome holiday gift from Olive and Cocoa (sent from Ellison). The silver stars are hard candy and the gold are chocolates.
This was the entire gift. I totally love every single thing about it. The crate is now on my desk as a book holder.
Here are a few ways that I used the printable along with some candies that
I added the candies (and pretzels also from Olive and Cocoa) to a Chex mix.
Together with vanilla candy coated Oreos, they make a great hostess gift in a jar!
If you glue a cut out design from the printable to a straw, you get a great drink decoration.
Of course, you can make it into a flag too.
I kind of love this one on a champagne flute from World Market. The tip is dipped in water and then edible star confetti.
If you want the printable, you can grab it FREE HERE.
I wish you a happy, healthy and fabulous new year,