Enjoy LOADS of magical crafty ideas with a Harry Potter Christmas theme!
There are two things that I believe are truly magical. They are Christmas and all things Harry Potter. I am so super excited to share a whole bunch of the best Harry Potter Christmas Crafts and DIY ideas. There are ideas here for Harry Potter Christmas Tree Ornaments. There are ideas for Harry Potter Christmas gift wrapping, home decor and even sweet treats.
Before we get starting making all the things, let’s prep for Christmas morning breakfast. This recipe for butterbeer pancakes is perfect!

Harry Potter Christmas Ideas

- Grab the directions to make the broom ornaments and whip up a batch for all of the houses.
- Paint all of the characters you love most on glass ornaments with acrylic paints.
I love teaming up for Team Creative Crafts!

I am excited to share these awesome Christmas Harry Potter crafty ideas with you too!

- Harry Potter Hand Painted Ornaments by Laura of Me and My Inklings
- Christmas Cheer & Butterbeer SVG by Lindsay of Artsy Fartsy Mama
- Hogwarts House Ornaments by Laura of Laura’s Crafty Life
- Harry Potter Free Printable Tags by Smitha of Smiling Colors
- Hogsmeade Christmas Tree Farm SVG by Shani of Sunshine & Munchkins
- Weasley Christmas Sweater Ornaments by Erica of 5 Little Monsters
- Harry Potter Hedwig the Owl Ornament by Justine of Little Dove
- Magical Harry Potter Christmas Ornaments by Kelsey of Poofy Cheeks

- Patronus Ornaments with Free Templates by Beth of Creatively Beth
- Magical Harry Potter Wand Ornament by Laura of Me and My Inklings
- Free Printable Happy Christmas Cards by Liz of Liz on Call
- Harry Potter Stocking Treat Boxes by Kimberly of Crafting Cheerfully
- Ornaments Inspired by Harry Potter by Ginger of Ginger Snap Crafts
- Hogsmeade for the Holidays SVG by Elise of Polka Dotted Blue Jay
- Magical Harry Potter Christmas Ornament by Teresa of Simply Made Fun
YAY for all things magical!
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is my favorite movie. My nephew is really into Harry Potter books and movies!
My favorite Harry potter movie is the first one called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone because everything was so new and unexpected.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone is my favorite.
The Sorcerer’s Stone! I think I’ll try to convince my daughter’s to have a HP marathon with me! It has been a while!!
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
My favorite is Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2 … the ending, oh, that ending! After investing so much time and energy into the series, flipping over that last page to know how it all ended was euphoric.
I don’t have a favorite HP movie because I love them all!
Fun projects!
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is my fave!
Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone would have to be my favorite.
I love #3, when Harry is riding the bus!! Thank you for asking!! I listen to the Audible books everynight!!
My granddaughter likes the first Harry Potter book.
My fave is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone!
The first book is my favorite because it started my fan journey (shared with my youngest daughter). WE have all the books and the movies.
I like the Goblet of Fire.
Probably Deathly Hallows, because there is finally triumph
My favorites are Goblin of Fire and Deathly Hallows 2!
My favorite is Harry Potter and the Sorcerors Stone. I always tend to love the originals as they have the most new introduction.
I love Order of the Phoenix, although it is so hard to choose a favorite!
My favorite is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.
I loved the first book and learning about all the characters. It set up the excitement for the next one!
I can’t decide on a favorite. Let’s say the one where they started Dumbledore’s Army Club.
My favorite movie is the Prisoner of Azkaban.
The first Harry Potter movie will always be my favorite.
My favorite Harry Potter movie and book is The Sorceror’s Stone. It is where it all starts.
I just love Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I loved meeting the characters and getting to know them when they were young and just getting to know each other.
I like Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite book.
I like the Sorcerer’s Stone the best.
My favorite Harry Potter book is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Love all the books, I’m a bit so-so on the movies, although I find them fun. Your crafts are so fun.
I really like The Prisioner Of Azkaban book.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
My fave is Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone! Thanks for the chance to win!
The first Harry Potter movie is my favorite because it’s the one we all went to as a family. It was the magical discovery of the Potter Universe for my kids.
My favorite Harry potter movie is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone its what got us hooked on the series
I started reading these books to my children and continued even after they fell asleep. I guess, sorcerer’s stone would be my favorite considering that’s the one i kept on reading even after they feel asleep.
My favorite is the movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.
My favorite is the half blood prince.
My favorite HP book is The Order of the Phoenix! I love the introduction of Sirius Black’s character. I love all the movies!
i love all the books, my fav is the prisoner of azkaban!
My favorite is The Sorcerers Stone.