DIY Girl Scout Tote Bags for Cookies and More

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DIY Girl Scout Tote Bags for Cookies and More

The designs are cut out of fabric and felt then GLUED to the tote bags which makes it perfect for any age of kiddos or adults. The patterns can be super simple like the Samoa cookie or super detailed if desired. This is a really fun project to do when kicking off cookie selling season. It is perfect to hold the order forms, money bag and important items. This project for DIY Girl Scout Tote Bags is the best because it requires absolutely no sewing! 

DIY Girl Scout Tote Bags (1)

Because Fabri-Fuse is super easy to work with and comes in a bottle that is simple to handle, it makes the project fun! Fabri-Fuse is my go-to fabric glue for this reason as well as the fact that it odor-free and becomes washable after 72 hours! If you are doing this project with the girls at a meeting, the glue will NOT be dry in time to take home. It is better done during a camping trip or a retreat where there is at least 24 hours of dry time available.

Check out our video.


Materials and Supplies Needed for DIY Girl Scout Tote Bags

The felt is important in the construction of this project, especially when working with kids to craft. It gives the project the durability to keep the fabric from wrinkling while working and laying out the pieces.

Directions for DIY Girl Scout Tote Bags

Step One

Each part of the pattern or design that you want to put on your tote bag will need 2 pieces, one in fabric and one slightly larger in felt. For this bag, we are making a colorful DAISY and I created a pattern that you can download free. However, you can make anything you would like using these steps and this process. So, download the pattern if you are making the daisy and cut it out.

Cut seven or eight (or however many you want really) petals from felt. The designs for the DIY Girl Scout Tote Bags could be the colors of the petals in the Daisy.

Then, using fabric in coordinating colors (or contrasting if that is your thing), cut a matching number of petals.

Lastly, cut the circle for the middle from both the felt and the fabric. I think this is funnest in a dark or totally different color from the petals.

Step Two

Insert parchment paper between the front and back of the tote bag. This will help keep the adhesive from gluing the front to the back if too much is used in the assembly. Lay the flower out on the tote bag BEFORE you start gluing to get it arranged and ready.

Step Three

Apply  the Fabri-Fuse to the back of a fabric petal then attach it to the matching felt petal.

Once all of the petal pieces are glued to the tote bag, add the center circle.

If desired, add a red felt heart to symbolize love somewhere on your flower.

Step Four

Add a bow to the tote bag handle with the ribbon. Then set the bag aside to dry completely. Dry flat for at least eight hours. Do not wash for at least 72 hours.

Once the bag is dry, use it to carry your important things to cookie booths, meetings and all the places.

The Best Things About Fabri-Fuse

Fabri Fuse is amazing for so many reasons. My favorite thing of all is how great it works buy after that it is the LID. The lid is designed to keep the tip from clogging when closed. I craft so much and know the frustration when glue clogs. It is the worst. This doesn’t ever happen because the lid of the Fabri-Fuse has a dimple built in for the tip of the glue to fit inside. This means that while you are making your DIY Girl Scout Tote Bags, the glue will not get clogged. That is a total win!

Check it our from another angle when the lid is on the glue.

More Cute Girl Scout Tote Bag Ideas

Everyone (well almost everyone I think) loves Girl Scout cookies. One of the most popular is the Somoa, also know as caramel deLites. This adorable bag uses the same steps above but makes a fabulous Girl Scout cookie tote bag.

As you can see, the steps are basically the same as the daisy.

I love these both so much! I would use the bags to carry my things all over the place. Here is a list of the top five places I would want to go first and what I would put in the bags.

  • Girl Scout Camp – Song Book, Vision Journal, S’Mores Ingredients, Flashlight
  • Library – Empty and Ready to Fill Up
  • Pool – Towel, Sunscreen, Water Bottle, Book, Sunglasses
  • Picnic – Blanket, Net, Bug Box, Hand Wipes, Camera
  • Scrapbook Get Together – Supply Bag, Book, Snack to Share

DIY Girl Scout Tote Bags NO SEW Craft #girlscouts #craft #nosew #craft #totebag #easy

This simple process for decorating fabric without sewing can be used on a variety of things that range from accessories and apparel to home decor!  Here are a couple of fun ideas that you might like too. These would be great to make and sell at a craft fair.

Beth is sharing the flour sack towels over on her blog, Creatively Beth. They are so adorable. She has a pattern for you too and it is FREE to download and use.

Lindsay made an apron. All of her project details are on Artsy Fartsy Mama. Wouldn’t these be great for crafting at Girl Scout meetings?

Cheers and Love!





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