R.A.B. as in Random Act of Berries from Shari’s Berries

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It all started on Instagram with a friendly and fun exchange and then…  I am not even kidding, I received a R.A.B. today as in a Random Act of  Berries from Shari’s Berries today.  Talk about the ultimate act of spreading kindness.  This so way beats the pay it forward coffee I received a few weeks ago by a long shot.


Ding dong.  That was my doorbell.  “Hi Laura!”  That was the FedEx guy who knows my name.  “OH MY GOODNESS!”  That was me when I saw who the package was from!

Needless to say, I opened it JUST IN TIME for the kids to come home from school!  LOOK at these chocolate and sugar sprinkled berries.

Giant Berry

Just in case that picture wasn’t clear enough to share the pure awesomeness of that berry, here it is again!

Giant Berry 3

And these pink ones…oh they are so pink and lovely!

Giant Berry 2

Yes, we sliced a few for an after school snack while Ryp is building the new volleyball net in the back yard.

Berries Snack

Jordan is patiently waiting to practice.  We are so proud of her…going out for sixth grade volleyball.  Scout is keeping her company while the net is being put up.  Ryp is the best dad ever!


Truth, the chocolate covered berries are amazing.  You should order some for:

  • Yourself
  • Your Family
  • Your MOM
  • Your Friends
  • Your Teachers
  • Did I say Yourself?

And you should definitely follow them on Facebook HERE!

This is what the girls think about this surprise!


Since I had the camera out, I snapped a few pictures of our Colorado yard in spring.  We have so much to be thankful for in our lives…family, growth and RABs.

PicMonkey Collage



PS…The Oreos are simply amazing too!



PPS … Laura Neiman, I saved some for you!  Pinky Swear!


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