Blueberry Asparagus

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Sometimes I dig in the refrigerator to find something, anything, to make for dinner.  It is worse in the summertime when the kiddos are around all day and they grab and snack on my ingredients, leaving me to create a new dinner plan in a hurry.  Tonight I dug out asparagus and blueberries.  And so it happened, I baked blueberry asparagus and it was A.W.E.S.O.M.E.



Did you know that an asparagus plant can live ten years.  Did you know that the fatter the stalks/spears, the older the plant.  I just thought you might want a little asparagus trivia if you are liking the idea of this recipe.

Here you go!


It is so convenient and quick to throw together.


Seriously, try it.  It is super delicious!!!  Truth, I liked baked berries better than raw.


Cheers and Happy Creative Cooking,


PS:  I think next time I might add bacon.

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3 thoughts on “Blueberry Asparagus”

  1. I love asparagus. Not sure if its only me, but I am unable to see the recipe here on this post. I only find Here you go! [amd-yrecipe-recipe:7]

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