A Little HAPPY in a Box

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I am super excited to share about my new adventure.  I have designed a monthly mail subscription program and named it A Little HAPPY in a Box.  It is going to be awesome and I realllly hope you will be a part of the launch.  I am getting it up and going through Kickstarter!


To get it going, I set up a Kickstarter campaign.  I would be simply THRILLED if you would jump over and take a minute to check it out.  If you backed it, I would be honored.

Lauch Photo

There is a special gift for early bird backers.  This t-shirt is too fun.

Early BIrd T Shirt

The monthly subscription boxes will be filled with HAPPY contents that are designed to be used when paper crafting in your planners, journals, calendars and scrapbooks.  With fun things like washi tape, stickers and stamps; each month will come with supplies and materials that are fresh, seasonal and FUN!


You might just love the LETTERING guide that I designed!
Lettering Guide

The subscription will also include access to my online studio that will have TONS of printables for you to download and use for organizing, planning and coloring.

Studio with Organizers blog

Square blog

Happy is on Facebook and Instagram.

You can hop over to the website to get on the mailing list too!

Your support would be so amazing!  You can pledge at so many different levels for so many different rewards.  You can pledge to get the first Happy box and the Starter Kit!

Starter Kit  Collage

Or you can pledge to be a founder or receive a custom doodle framed of your family!

Custom Doodle Founders Club

This is so exciting.  You can pledge at the highest level and I will come to YOU and teach a workshop or speak!

Workshop or Speaking

Thanks for helping make A Little Happy in a Box a dream come true!



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