DIY Felt No-Sew Back to School Pencil Pouch Crafts

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I love Back to School season.  It is so exciting for teachers, students and families.  Getting everything ready from supplies to organization is always so much fun.  My kids love getting their schedules then contacting all of their friends to find out what classes they will be in together.  You can make your own felt no-sew Back to School Pencil Pouch in a matter of minutes.  Seriously, Fabri-Tac from Beacon Adhesives makes it so easy peasy lemon squeezy!  This post for a DIY No-Sew Pencil Pouch is sponsored by Beacon but the ideas and opinions are my own.  I am actually excited to share you a couple of DIY Back to School Felt Crafts in this post.

DIY Back to School Felt Crafts

To make a pencil pouch you will need the following materials and supplies.

Start your project by creating a base.  Cut TWO pieces of felt to measure 4 x 12 inches.  Then cut each into a point to create a pencil tip.  Use Fabri-Tac to glue the two pieces together around the EDGES only, leaving the smallest straight side opoen.

Next, add a piece of felt (yellow for the pencil is best I think) that measures 4 x 7.5 inches to the base.  Glue it on with Fabri-Tac.

Cut out 4 inch wide pieces of felt to add details to the pencil and glue them on, as well as a black pencil tip.

The final step of your DIY Back to School Pencil Pouch is making it so it closes at the bottom.  To do this, cut a piece of pink felt (think eraser) 4 inches wide by 2.5 inches tall.  Glue it to the BACK of the base so it folds over to the front where you will add buttons to the pink and the base to create closure.

Ta Da!

DIY No Sew Felt Pencil Pouch

Let’s make a felt apple page marker from a giant paperclip.

Cut out the pieces from felt beings sure to have a front and back matching piece.

Glue them together with the clip in the middle and add details.


Fabri-Tac will also glue felt to ribbon so making a mini garland is a breeze.

If you get excited about making things for Back to School season, you might also love these DIY Felt Back to School Crafts.

This BOHO storage container is super fun.

Teachers love things with their name on it like this adorable felt pennant.

Cheers to Making DIY Felt Back to School Crafts!

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