Matilda – My Story and a Printable

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Matilda!  When I was growing up, my Aunt Susan called me Matilda.  She was a high school teacher, remembered for her teaching of honors English and literature.  She was dedicated to the love of reading and gave me books for every occasion.  I have them still…picture books and chapter books, fiction and non-fiction.  She gave me books filled with poetry and books signed by famous authors.  I think a large part of my career path into elementary education came from my incredible book collection.  It was my very own library.  I loved my books so much that I put library pockets and cards in them so my friends could “check” them out.   Recently I came across one in an old book with yellow tape still trying to hold those hand cut paper pieces in place.  It made me happy and sad at the same time.  I hope in Heaven there is a HUGE library where she can continue her passion for stories.  Anyway, back to Matilda!  Last night we went to see in downtown at the Buell Theater.  We had the program already so the girls were super excited.  Looking at the pictures and reading the lyrics is quite inspiring to prep a kid for a show.


I love the book.  I love the movie and I super crazy love the musical.  I have seen in on Broadway twice with friends which was super special.  Seeing it with Ryp and our girls was so special in a very different way.  They love the story too and we have watched the movie together a zillion times.  We made red Matilda bows for our hair out of felt…like she wears in the movie version.  After the show, Zoe requested that we make white scarves next.


I am happy to share this fun word search with you.  It has some of my favorite words/thoughts from the story.  It also has my favorite quote from one of the songs printed on it.  You can download it here.  It shows four books that Matilda read in the story.  Can you find out ten more of her reads?


I posted it last night on Instagram before we headed out the door.

We are off to the theater to see #matildathemusical and couldn't be more excited!  We love it so much!  Red @kuningroupfelt makes great hair bows!  You should see @zozowildchild ... she is adorable in hers!
We are off to the theater to see #matildathemusical and couldn’t be more excited! We love it so much! Red @kuningroupfelt makes great hair bows! You should see @zozowildchild … she is adorable in hers!

“Just because I find myself in this story,
It doesn’t mean that everything is written for me.
If I think the ending is fixed already,
I might as well be saying I think that it’s OK,
And that’s not right!”

Watch this!

Think about this amazing deep thought coming from a child.  I think Roald Dahl (the author of the story) is sharing his own thoughts through Matilda the character and I love it so.  Here are some of our fun pictures from the theater.  YES, there was a signature drink.  I find this so creative.  I hope they used Cherry Man brand cherries because they are my fave.



Enjoy!  Go see it.  Read it.  Watch it.  You will be so glad you did.  If you are stuck in your story and want it to be different, this is just what you might need!



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