Create an fabulous football themed party for kiddos with these great ideas.
Football, cheerleaders and all of the excitement should include the kids too. After all, they will be home when you have your parties, right? I mean there are tons of great snacks, crafts and games that kids can to do celebrate the big game too. I am excited to share a few really fun ideas for you so that your kiddos will feel included on the big game day. It is always a great idea to include the kids every chance possible. Have a Super Bowl Party for kids is just a great idea.

While the printables and ideas here are great for the big game day, they would be fun on all of the football Sundays (and college Saturdays) and Thursday nights too. When the game is on, give the kiddos something fun to do and a way to participate. If football is really not your thing, know that you can find TONS of printables here on the blog for just about everything you can think of. If you need something special, comment and ask. My best ideas come from y’all!
Super Bowl Party for Kids Snack Idea
These peanut butter and chocolate football cripsy treats are a great snack to serve at any party. They are fun to make and easy so the kids can help out. Also, they are super yummy.

Use a regular cereal bar recipe and add a little peanut butter and chocolate to it. I added 1/2 Cup PB and drizzled chocolate for this batch – all on one big baking sheet to create a large rectangle. Then, use a small football shaped cookie cutter because it makes more. This set of cutters has a football shape AND a jersey AND a helmet!

One of the best parts is eating the leftover pieces after the cookie cutter part is complete.

Seven Great Reasons to Bake and cook with Kids
For me baking is a great way to express myself. I believe that it is a form of creativity. I am excited to share my TOP seven reasons to bake with you. Know that baking doesn’t need to be “from scratch” to count. It always counts even when it is only halfway homemade. Whether you are making things for a Super Bowl Party for Kids or some other fun reason, including the kids is awesome.
- Baking is like meditation. I find going through the steps of making a recipe to very calming and relaxing.
- Also, Baking stirs the senses, literally and figuratively.
- When I bake cookies, cakes, pies and treats; I find myself feeling creative and happy in my heart.
- Sometimes my kids bake with me and it creates a great time to bond and connect.
- Homemade treats make great gifts.
- Using recipes passed down from generations creates a magical connection to family.
- Honestly, baking boosts my morale. It is just plain good for the spirit.
Super Bowl Party Printables
Look how stinking adorable this little football tag is as tiny decoration. You can grab the recipe for these delicious Beer Cheese Game Day Sliders here on the blog.

Did you know that I have a whole printable library! If you are ordering pizza for the Super Bowl, you can grab this free printable over there.

There are TONS of ones to color too, Plus games and activities.

This printable set is great for creating a quick and easy football or Super Bowl party. It has everything you need to make decorations and also games to play and pages to color. You can download it FREE and put it to use right away.

Ways to Use Free Printables
You might have seen this list from me before but I think it is worth sharing over and over. Sometimes the people in the back need to hear things a few times, right? There are so many great ways to use free printables. Here are some of my favorites.
- Print them and mail in an envelope with a stamp. Snail mail rocks.
- Batch some up to make an activity book. This is great for a road trip!
- Print and use at a place setting on the table to create a conversation starter.
- Add them to goody bags. By the way, goody bags are not just for birthday parties.
- Package them up with your favorite markers and crayons to give as a gift.
- Drop a few off at the local coffee shop with fun pencils to spread some happy.
- Cut them up to make cards, gift wrap and decorations.
If you have a Super Bowl Party for Kids – please share on social media and tag me. I would love to see how you celebrate.
Cheers and Love,