Tips for Successful Paint Pouring Art

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 Tips for Successful Paint Pouring Art

Creating art is so super fun with DecoArt’s Paint Pour Medium and paints because every single time the masterpieces come out so different.  Depending on the colors of paints chosen for the making, the works can be used to decorate for themes (think holidays, sports teams, school colors, etc.).  The one I am sharing in this article is for the holiday coming up next, Valentine’s Day! I used FIVE colors of paint so it is super awesome and festive.  I am going to explain how I made it AND share tips for successful paint pouring art too. This is a fantastic craft to do with any age group. It works wonderfully with kids, especially on 3D animals like this dinosaur that I shared. If you are worried about it being messy, I will address tips for that too. Keep reading.

How to Create Paint Pouring Art

If you want, you can skip this whole post and get all of the details on my YouTube video! It covers the basics and you can see the process happening with your own eyes.

Okay, Lets make it Some Paint Pouring Art

One of the great things about this craft project is that it can be done on a variety of surfaces that range from canvas and wood to metal and glass. Every time you do this, the results will vary in so many ways. It is kind of like magic.

Materials and Supplies Needed

You will need the following supplies and materials:

  • DecoArt Paint Pouring Medium
  • DecoArt Americana Paints
  • Gloves
  • Craft Sticks for Mixing
  • Small Throwaway Cups
  • Board or Canvas Surface (Can be done on LOTS of things!)
  • Pan or Container to Catch Paint

Directions for Successful Paint Pouring

Step One:

Pour each color of paint in a separate cup for your paint pouring art project.

Step Two:

Add an equal amount of Pouring Medium to the cups and stir them up.

Step Three:


Step Four:

Hold the surface over the pan and pour the paints on it!  It can also be rested on something at a slant. There are lots of ways this can be done so play around and experiment.

Step Five,

Pick up your surface and jiggle it around a bit to swirl the paints (IF DESIRED).

Step 6:

Wait.  It takes a long time for the masterpiece to thoroughly dry.  As it dries, it will change appearance a bit. It is like a magic reveal art!


  1. Use 4-5 colors of paint.
  2. Use the smallest plastic cups needed.
  3. Wear gloves.
  4. Be prepared for spills with paper towels.
  5. Allow plenty of drying time (in a cool temperature)

Why Painting with Kids is a Good Idea

Painting with kids is so much more than a craft project or simple activity. It is a way for kids (of all ages really) do many very important things.  Here are some fabulous reasons to get kids painting.

  1. It helps them convey ideas and share.
  2. Painting gives kids an opportunity to express emotions — even ones that might be hiding deep inside.
  3. It uses several senses to paint and through that kids make connections.
  4. Exploring color, the process and the outcomes teaches cause and effect.
  5. When kids made handmade masterpieces, it boosts confidence.

Preparation Steps for Painting with Kids

One of the biggest factors in creating successful paint crafts with kids lies in the prep. Here are four things you can do to prepare for a great time crafting.

  1. Expect a little mess. Prep your area knowing that paint can spill, drip and splatter. Cover your work are with kraft paper before starting.
  2. Provide aprons for the kids. If you don’t want to but them, they can wear old adult sized shirts as aprons.
  3. Have paper towels nearby and ready if needed.
  4. Know the dry time of the project before starting.  If there are several steps, there might be a dry time involved. Have a puzzle or activity on hand to do during that in between time. You can grab free ones here on the blog.

It is really FUN!  Try it.  Be sure to share your paint pouring  art adventures on social media and tag me on Instagram!

Cheers to Creating Valentine’s Day Decor!




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