Watermelon and Blackberry Ice Spritzers

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Keeping hydrated is no easy task when you live in the mountains of Colorado and are not a big fan of drinking plain water.  We have been on a kick of creating frozen fruit ice cubes and came up with this amazing combination.  Watermelon and blackberry spritzers are completely delicious and with a little prep, easy to make in a flash.

It’s the Ultimate Recipe Challenge and I am pretty darn excited to share this drink as my contribution.

I swear that half the fun is making the ice cubes.  Pureeing watermelon in the blender is almost like magic.  We use our Ninja and it works like a charm!  The Nutri Ninja cups make it so easy peasy.

Pureed blackberries are so fancy.

Once these cubes are frozen, they are just so much fun.

I used a muffin tin this time to make the cubes but I LOVE this round ice cube maker tray too.

Fresh mint is a great little garnishment that adds fantastic flavor too.

They are perfect to mix with a glass of seltzer water for a fantastic and refreshing drink.

There are LOTS of great summer drinks.  Check out these great ones from fellow blogger friends.

Cheers to New Recipes,


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4 thoughts on “Watermelon and Blackberry Ice Spritzers”

  1. This looks so so good! I’d like to say it’s a summer recipe, but I think it would be great any time of the year, lol. Pinning

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