I have spent the past three days in the mountains, on my own, adventuring and being with myself. It has been wonderful to reconnect with the ways that I love to spend my time and the things that I love to do. I found myself making a grid for the upcoming week as a tool to continue to practice self care when I return home. While I was talking about it over a drink in the hotel bar with a few wonderful gals on a girl getaway, they asked if I would share it. Of course I will. Self care is not selfish. It is a necessary component to a happy and balanced life. So, here it is. This weekly self care planning printable is for whoever might want to give it a try.
Here is how I filled in my categories for the week.
Okay, let me explain why I chose the categories on the first page. I chose them for ME because they are what I need right now. The first column will hopefully get me to spent AT LEAST fifteen minutes doing something for me, something that will fill my heart and ignite my soul. These are some of the things that might end up in those boxes.
- Painting for FUN, not for an assignment
- Bubble Bath (maybe even a bath bomb)
- Reading
- Planting seeds
- Baking and decorating cookies for no good reason
- Going to Starbucks and doodling in my sketchbook
- Visiting the Denver Zoo alone
The second column is to remind myself to make at least one super good eating choice each day. These are on my list of possibilities right now.
- Chicken avocado wrap
- Egg white bites
- Protein bites
- Grilled veggies
- Broiled broccoli
The third column is a big deal. It might mean that I make fancy coffee at home instead of going to Starbucks. It might mean that I reach out to a new company to partner with on this blog. Maybe I will sign a new licensing agreement with the art I painted this weekend. Maybe I will even add something to my online store.
That last column is so important to me. I love my friends and am so grateful. These are some of the things I was thinking about when I whipped up this weekly self care printable because relationships matter.
- Write a letter to a friend
- Make dinner for a friend
- Call a friend who lives far away
- Offer to watch a friend’s kiddos
- Meet a friend for coffee or a drink
There are seven blank sheets with different quotes too. I love this one. I added the sunshine with marker. You can add to your sheets too!
Your priorities for self care might be totally different from mine. You might have goals and dreams around exercise, prayer or career goals. Whatever it is that makes you feel as if your vote counts and your voice matters, do that! I hope this weekly self care printable supports you in having an awesome week, every week!
Cheers to Me, to You and To Caring.
PS: If meal planning is a struggle for you, here is a fun little tool for that too!
Hi. I was wondering if you have picked your rafflecopter winner yet? sharon dot gullikson at gmail dot com
For which one?
This is great! Thank you!