DIY Neighborhood Heart Hunt

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DIY Neighborhood Heart Hunt

Here is a yard game that can be played with then entire neighborhood.  Create a DIY neighborhood heart hunt in a few simple steps.  This is a great way to spread some happy, cheerful joy for everyone who walks around the neighborhood getting fresh air and exercise.  This post is being written during social distancing and quarantine times of Covid-19 but could certainly be done at any time.  This time is unique in that we are all trying to figure out how we can support our neighbors, be outside and social distance at the same time.

Neighborhood DIY Heart Hunt

This is a great idea for a walking trail!

What Do You Need to Create a DIY Neighborhood Heart Hunt

How to Create a DIY Neighborhood Heart Hunt

Start by making hearts in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and pink.  Make a white cloud too.  You can make as many of each color as your heart desires.  To make mine, I used Kunin Basic Felt because it can weather the outdoors.  It is made from recycled bottles so is super awesome for an April Earth Day project like this too.

I cut the hearts out on My Cricut Maker.  There is a PERFECT heart in the basic shapes in Design Space. I made it the perfect size to fit the 9×12 pieces of felt.

Additionally, there is also a large selection of clouds.  I also made it as big as possible using the 9×12 inch pieces of felt.

Each heart needs two pieces of felt, a front and a back.  This is the same for the clouds.

Next, sew them together, stitching the twine in between the two pieces, leaving an opening for stuffing.  Stuff with PolyFil and stitch closed.

Setting Up The DIY Neighborhood Heart Hunt

By looping the hearts around a tree branch and through the loop, you can secure them.  If you want to make them heavier, add some Poly-Pellets inside or pin a fishing weight to the outside.  Here they are hidden around my community.

Neighborhood Heart Hunt Hidden Hearts

Here is a free printable you can use to give to neighbors to color as they find the hearts.

Happy Heart Hunting!






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19 thoughts on “DIY Neighborhood Heart Hunt”

  1. Love this idea. As a healthcare worker, I love seeing hearts all over the neighborhood. Riley Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis has rainbows all of the hospital to choose joy. This idea is awesome! Thanks for sharing it!!

  2. This would even be a great game to play in a whole community! I am thinking of doing this with the Girl Scouts in our town! Thanks!

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