Make the most money possible at your cookie booths this year.
Girl Scout Cookie Booth Ideas can be tricky to come up with. Here are some great ideas for making your troop booth profitable.

It is that season again. Some love it like crazy. For others it causes anxiety. It is almost time for Girl Scouts to start selling cookies again. I am excited to share a few Girl Scout cookie booth ideas and tips that have helped us reach our goals and create successful seasons. I get so excited about GS Booth Ideas and love sharing.
FREE Girl Scout Cookie Sales TOOLS Printables
These are great resources free on the blog. Go grab them!

Five great Girl Scout cookie booth ideas:
- People are drawn to a darling booth. With so many girls selling, having a booth that took some effort sets a troop apart. The compliments and questions we get each year based on our booth leads to conversations about what we are up and what we are learning. Once the girls have initiated this authentic connection, people want to support and buy cookies!
IMPORTANT! – The themes and ideas are most successful when they are decided BY THE GIRLS. As crazy as they may sometimes seem. the girls are more likely to take ownership and sell more if they know that it was their idea and creation!
Here are a few of our recent booths. The photo booth was easy and fun. Last year’s booth was a little more work but helped us earn our woodworking badge at the same time. The great think about using felt from Kunin Group is that is lasts and lasts and lasts. We donated the rainbow garland to camp and they have it hanging now in art cabin.
2. Be prepared with great signs that share the prices. If people have to ask, they sometimes walk away.
3. Create little notes to give as thank-you messages to customers. My troop LOVES to craft and make fun things like this.
There are FREE thank you notes that you can download here on the blog too!

4. Empower the girls in your troop to make realistic goals and reward them along the way. There are lots of fun patches out there to use as a resource for this.
5. Keep the girls grateful and keep it fun. You can click on the printable and download it free.

Raising Grateful Girl Scouts
Here is a post I wrote about ways to keep them grateful.

Here are a few other Girl Scout booth tips:
- Have cookies out for tasting.
- Let the girls do all the talking.
- Be sure to always have enough change.
- Have bags ready to package up their purchases.
- Make aprons with pockets so the girls have pens and calculators (and a place for their cell phones too).

The fabric for these projects came from Consumer Crafts and can be purchased in their online store. We will be using it to create our booth this year for sure.
If you love this Girl Scout project, please help me share it on Facebook and Pinterest! Cheers to Success with these Girl Scout cookie booth ideas.
Thank you so much for sharing!