Bake Sale Gluten Free Chocolate Cherry Zucchini Bread

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Gluten Free Zucchini Cherry Bread Recipe

YAY!  It is the SECOND day of  my series, Girl Scout Projects to Build Character and Self Esteem.  Girl Scouts LOVE to do fundraisers to earn money to do all the things they dream about.  Having a bake sale is a great way to learn about budgeting, marketing and sales.  This process grows a girl’s self esteem and ability to take action towards her goals.  This Bake Sale Gluten Free Chocolate Cherry Zucchini Bread is sure to be a hit as a fundraiser.  So many people are out there searching for delicious gluten free treats and it is so rare to find them at a bake sale.  This bread is so delicious.  The slices are super pretty too which is always a bonus when trying to sell something.  Holding a bake sale is a great way to raise money for an organization and a great way to teach kids about budgeting and marketing too.  This post is sponsored by CherryMan but the ideas are my own.


I am not going to lie.  I tried the batter and it was amazing.

Slice the bread about an inch in thickness before packaging.  Be sure it really cooled completely down (even chilled) before cutting it so that your pieces will stay together and be pretty.

Add this darling sticker that shares ingredients and a place for your price.  It is printed on Avery Shipping Labels (8163) but you can print it on card stock, cut and attach to your bags too.

You can grab the printable sticker and print away.


Another great (and easy peasy) recipe with CherryMan cherries is made with a box mix.  You could use a gluten free box mix!  These crinkle cookies are so fantastic that they are being featured in the upcoming issue of Where Women Cook magazine!

We are going to be using this recipe for sure in our bake sale.  We are working on earning the Cadette marketing badges so this will be perfect!

Cheers to Cherries, Baking and Girl Scouts,


P.S.  If you are a Girl Scout cookie fan, you will LOVE this awesome recipe for Trefoil Crusted Cherry Pie.




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3 thoughts on “Bake Sale Gluten Free Chocolate Cherry Zucchini Bread”

  1. I haven’t bought anything from a bake sale for myself since I was a kid, but my kids love when a parent brings in Krispy Kreme for bake sale day.

  2. Rice Krispies bars! They remind me of my childhood & I have good memories associated with them ?

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