Waste not…Want not. We use it up around here which means that the rind of the watermelon is a valuable asset for creating. With my minor obsession of all things watermelon happening this week, I carved the rind from the Watermelon Ice that I made yesterday into a fairy home for the front garden.
I took some pictures along the way. My only tip would be to use a sharp knife and have an adult do all the cutting!
I carved.
I set it up.
I decorated.
The slice cut off worked out great for a fairy pool. I hope we have water fairies in our yard.
And that adorable wire garden bench was made for me by my friend Laura Kuhlman from PetScribbles.
She used the Fairy Lantern kit from Shop Laura Kelly to make it! Woo Hoo!
Of course no home is complete without a flag. Thank goodness for my awesome ‘New Home Flag Custom Stamp‘ that I designed for Expressionery. It came in perfect for this project today.
I LOVE it so much.
My watermelon skills sometimes aren’t so great. I tried to make a shark for Shark Week because I saw a super cute one on Pinterest but mine turned out much more like a guppy. I shared it on Instagram so might as well share it again here…stop laughing. I know he has frog eyes.

Happy Watermelon Carving,
I love this idea for a party. It looks very cute. To bad is not permanent. I wonder how long did it last?