We are having Zoe’s birthday party on Wednesday night and it is going to be fabulous. This year she chose her theme to be All Things Minions and we are getting ready. I have to say, this theme is a lot easier to work with than last year when she picked the Rainbow-Tie-Dye-Sock_Monkey Mashup. These DIY Minion hard candy lollipops were super fun to make, especially because good old Dad (aka Ryp) was in charge.
I shared this picture on Instagram yesterday!

You can use your favorite hard candy recipe. We chose two flavors, raspberry for the blue bottoms and lemonade for the yellow tops. To get the circle lollipop molds to have two colors, we created a barrier in the middle with a cut up plastic mold. To get the stick through, I punches holes. I felt a little like MacGyver.
Ryp poured the blue first.
Once it was hard, I removed the plastic barrier and he poured the yellow.
It hardened then we removed them from the molds and put them on the work mat to decorate. Using melted Wilton black wafers in a frosting bag, I created the goggles then added Wilton candy eyes.
The last step was adding the mouths.
Ta Da!
They are going to be such a cute addition to the party. I can’t wait to share all of the Minion fun we have created with the goodies from our baking shelves!
Cheers and Happy All Things Minions,
Laura and Family
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