This weekend is the weekend of a neighborhood ADULT SOCIAL party…as in all grown ups and no kiddos. YAY! The social committee asked if I would help with some of the decorations. Ummmmm, of course! I started with the front door wreath using my awesome supplies from Flora Craft and Make It Fun, along with giant playing cards. Check it out…it is my DIY playing card casino night wreath.
It was super easy. I used my Ad-tech gun (hot glue) to adhere the cards to the foam center circle. I layered the giant cards on it. When they were all adhered, I added a big circle that I cut out of Kunin felt (bright red from the felt-by-the-yard bolt). Check out LOTS of great felt project on the Kunin Group blog HERE.
Then I did the same thing with little cards on the smaller foam circle without the felt circle.
I glued the small circle to the big circle and added a bow made with red Decorative Mesh! Ta Da!
If you are wondering where I got those giant cards, why Texas of course! For once, my silly airport purchase came in super handy.
Next up, the garland…stay tuned!
Happy Parties and Decorating,
This post was not sponsored. I try really hard to share with you, my readers, content that is REAL that is me and that is a part of my real life. The craft supplies in the wreath were given to me to use in my creative life.
How cute is this! With a wreath like this to kick off the night, you all are going to have a blast! Enjoy! And thank you.