The fairies are in full swing this summer. We have seen signs of their nightly dance parties in our backyard, or at least that’s our story! We decided to create fairy lanterns that glow in the dark to add to their festivities. Beacon Adhesives has a new product out that is totally amazing. Glo-Brite is the answer to making projects truly glow in the dark. It is best explained straight from the Beacon website. “Beacon’s NEW Glow in the Dark Marking Gel, Glo-Brite, is perfect for decorating and safety applications like: accessories, sneakers, backpacks, sunglasses, outdoor projects, camping, safety and more. In addition to being a marking gel, Glo-Brite is a permanent glue that dries fast and glows brighter, faster, & longer. Bonds fabric, wood, concrete, tile & more.” This post is sponsored by Beacon but the ideas and opinions are my own.
To make these fairy lanterns that glow in the dark, you will need the following supplies and materials.
- Glo-Brite (orange, pink, green, blue)
- Jar(s)
- Ribbon (orange, pink, green, blue) to Match Glo-Brite
- Twine
- UV Black Light Candle Tea Lights
Start by using the Glo-Brite to add designs to the jar. Take your time and do this step SLOWLY. It dries pretty quickly but if you turn the jar to fast it will drip. Let it dry completely then make your bow. Lay the twine out in a straight line and add 8 inch pieces of ribbon lined up under the twine.
Tie the ribbon pieces into knots on the twine. Push them all together in the center and trim them. Add Glo-Brite dots to the ribbon pieces and let them dry.
Tie the bow to the lip of the jar.
Place UV Black Light candles in the jar and like magic you will have fairy lanterns that glow in the dark. During the day they are pretty in the garden.
At night, they light up extra bright with the candles inside.
We are excited to use Glo-Brite on lots of projects.
YAY for Fairies.
PS: If you like glow in the dark projects, you might love this one too. You could adapt it to make little flowers instead of carrots.