I have had so much fun with Kunin Group felts for a whole year now! I guess you could call this an anniversary to be celebrated. Being a designer on the Kunin Dream Team is not only an honor but also a gift because it allows me to create with FELT! Not too long ago (like only last month) I created my favorite project with felt ever. Here it is…therainbow dream cloud.
I posted it on Instagram and Kelli and Kristi from Lolly Jane loved it so I sent it to them. Yay!!! Here it is in their studio. You can check out their awesome blog HERE!
Well, the story of the dream cloud continues…today I had a photo shoot of my studio and last night as I prepared and cleaned, I found myself missing the cloud. SOOOOOO, I made another one! Here is the new one beside my felt tower.
If you want to create some cheer and some happy, this project is for you! You can find out all about how to make it HERE.
And if you love rainbows (like me), here is a fun little printable of rainbows that you can use in crafting and you can download it…for free HERE.
I would like to spread anniversary love to the rest of my team! I picked my favorite project from each to share!
Cheers and Happy Dreaming,