Girl Scout Leader Appreciation Ideas and a Free Printable Letter

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I am happy to share some Girl Scout leader appreciation ideas and free printable letter that comes in three formats for different levels of girls.  Teaching kiddos to be thankful and to show their gratitude helps them become more appreciative and caring adults.  Personally, I love getting gift cards to Starbucks so this little gift card idea is a winner for me.  The original gift card holder like this was designed by my friend Katie Berry for Valentines Day.  With a little adapting, it is great for your leaders and volunteers.

If you want directions to make the gift card holder, you can get them over on the Kunin Felt blog.

If you want to use the free printable appreciation letters, there are three versions.  Two are for kiddos who can write pretty will (a version for leaders and one for volunteers like cookie dads, etc.) and the other for kids who would be better writing a tiny bit and drawing a picture.

I wonder what your scouts will write.

The other ideas in the collage at the top of this post are:

If you want to use some of the other Girl Scout printables I have created, jump around the blog.  There are a bunch to choose from.  There are also lots of great and simple craft ideas for your troop.

Cheers to Making a Difference,



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