My FIRST Race – The Hot Chocolate 15K/5K

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I can do HARD things!  I did it.  I am home from my first race – the Hot Chocolate 15K/5K.  Yes, I did the 5K.  No, I did not run.  It was still amazing and awesome and totally inspiring and so I am sharing it here on my blog with hopes that it might get just one more person outside and active and supporting a great cause.  This race fund raised for The Ronald McDonald House which makes my heart crazy happy!

Hot Chocolate 5K

My friend Sarah asked me to do it with her.  She said, “It will be fun.  They give out hot chocolate at the end with bananas and chocolate for dipping.  Plus you get an awesome jacket.”  Impulsively, I picked up my phone, Googled it and registered.  The reality set in a week later that I would have to actually participate…as in walk the whole way.  Since being diagnosed with Hashimoto disease, I have been slow to take on physical challenges.  This created such a break through for me in what is possible!!!

Hot Chocolate Run with Sarah

Once we completed the race, we turned in our tags for the Finisher Mug, complete with hot cocoa, banana, Rice Kripsy Treat, marshmallow, pretzels, cookies and CHOCOLATE for dipping!  Ummmmmm,  yes please!

Hot Chocolate Run Finisher Mug

Hot Chocolate Run Banana

The hot cocoa totally hit the spot and made the whole race feel so complete.

Hot Chocolate

Oh did I mention, my awesome husband drove us downtown and stayed to cheer for us along the way.  He was there waving as I sprinted across the finish line.  I did.  I sprinted across it.  I might have walked almost the whole 5K but I did run across that line.

Hot Chocolate Run Ryp

Check this out!  I got a real racer big WITH my name in it.  Now that I am competed and home, it is hanging above my desk on the bulletin board.

Hot Chocolate Racing Bib

I think it is always best to thank others with a handwritten note so I made Sarah a card using my Hot Chocolate die that I designed for Ellison Education and one of my new papers that I design for AdornIt.

Handmade Hot Chocolate Card

I cut out one on the fold to make the card and then a whole one to adhere to the front.  With a little watercolor and a little creativity, here it is in four quick steps.

Hot Chocolate Card Steps

Of course I hand stamped the back of the card with a stamp that I designed for Expressionery.  It is one of my faves for one of my faves.


And so I leave you with this….go sign up for something challenging.  Do it.  Find a friend who will push you to be your greatest.  Let your spouse support and honor you.  Go for it!  You will thank yourself a million times over.  I have to go now.  I am going to Google 5Ks coming to the area soon and do it again!

Cheers and Love,


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