Summertime creates a magical opportunity of time and experiences for journaling. With school out of session and new adventures in the works, kids (and grown ups) have the perfect possibility of adding journaling to the daily routine. This darling journal is a fabulous way to be able to add all kinds of wonderful things that create a way to save memories and empower dreams. This post is sponsored by Xyron but the thoughts and ideas are my own. Summertime journaling can be taken in a bag to all the fun places like the pool, park, zoo and road tripping.
For this project you will need the following materials and supplies.
- Scrapbook Paper (12 x 12)
- Xyron Creative Station
- Xyron Double Laminate Cartridge
- Xyron Mega Runner
- Stickers, Magazines, Photos
- Binder Rings
- Hole Punch
- Scissors
Lets make the summertime journal!
Start with a 12 x 12 piece of card stock cut in half to 12 x 6. Decorate the front with photos, stickers, magazine cut-outs, etc. The best way to attach items to the cover is with Xyron’s Mega Runner. It works great and keeps everything secure when it gets laminated. If your family road trips, this might be a great place to get some of the places on the cover. You can usually get travel brochures for road trips at AAA for free, read them, then cut them up.
Put the cover and the other piece (the back) through the Xyron Creative Station using the Double Sided Laminate. The back could be decorated too. It would be so fun to use a map for this piece of the summertime journal especially if you are going on a family road trip. You can order the cartridge online or get it in lots of stores.
Trim the edges (but not all the way to the total edge of the card stock). Use a hole puncher to put two holes on the side.
Cut paper to put in your journal and hole punch the ends. It is fun to use heavy papers that can be used for scrapping on. I also added watercolor paper. The greatest part is that new papers can be added all summer long. Put it all together using binder rings. They come in lots of sizes so if your journal grows super thick, you can just get bigger rings!
Use the journal to create plans, document memories and just create.
From creative writing and poetry to sketching and dreaming, there are sure to be ideas that with stimulate the minds of kids in your life. Here is a list of things that could get added to your summertime journal.
- Concert Tickets
- Travel Documents
- Camp Photos
- Doodles
- Poems
- Journaling Entries
- Backyard Crayon Rubbings
- Printable Games and Puzzles
- Paper Crafting
Have a Blast. Happy Summertime journal writing on a family road trip or around the town.
If you are looking for another fun summertime journal idea, you might like this one too. It is a printable activity book and can be reproduced for the kiddos in your class or neighborhood or Girl Scout troop.
Yay Summertime,
This is such a wonderful idea for keeping summer alive and sparking creativity in kids!
Great idea Laura!
This is such a great idea to capture all those amazing summer memories!
Thank you Julie. I love it too. <3
Thank you Heather. 🙂