30 Best Summer Craft Ideas

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35 Best Summer Craft Ideas

Summertime is such a great time to make things, create and craft so I put together 30 best summer craft ideas as a resource to get you started.  These craft projects vary from super easy to beginner crafting so they are great for kids and adults.  I hope you find some fun ones to do with your family!

Best Summer Craft Ideas

One of my favorite summertime activities is to get outdoors and paint.  These three canvases are all super easy.  In the post Canvas and Concoctions, there are step by step instructions AND matching yummy concoctions to go with the painting which turns it into a little party!

Easy to Paint Canvas Ideas for Kids

DIY Summer Games

Getting outside and playing DIY games is a great way to create some family bonding time.  From the making of the games to the playing them together, the time together will create memories and summer traditions.

Hand Painted GIant Dice Game Blocks

DIY Giant Dice Yard Game

How to Make Bean Bags and Games to Play

DIY Game Pieces and Ways to Use Them

Rock Toss (Girl Scout Game)

Patriotic Checkers with Buttons

Crafts for the Garden

Crafting to decorate and spruce up the garden is always a good idea.  There are lots of ways to do this for vegetable gardens, flower gardens and really anywhere in the yard that you want to be a garden.


Fairy Lanterns

Clay Bug Garden Stakes

Fairy Garden in a Wheelbarrow

DIY Rainbow Garden

Mixed Media Flowerpot

Summertime Crafts with Food

Sometimes food is great to eat and sometimes it is better to craft with.  Here are some yummy recipes and fun ideas with food.

Fairy House with Watermelon Rind

Homemade Banana Cherry Popsicles

3 Ingredient Watermelon Ice

Homemade Caramel Apple Chip Ice Cream

Watermelon and Blackberry Spritzers

Vanilla and Peanut Butter Friendship Mix

Crafts for Decorating Outdoors

It is so much fun to be out in the yard immersed in things made by your children.  Kids are so proud when their masterpieces are used to decorate and share.

Summer Crafts for Decorating Outdoors

How to Paint an Outdoor Birdhouse

Outdoor Party Decor with Oly*Fun

DIY Garden Flags

Painted Rock for Spreading Kindness

Coastal Garland

Summertime Kid Crafts

Pretty much any craft that you do with kids in the summertime is perfect.  Here is a list of some of my favorites.

Masking Tape Place Mats on Picnic Table

Masking Tape Place Mats for Picnic Tables

Summertime Glitter Journal

How to Make a Bug House

How to Tie-Dye with Kids

Harry Potter Wands with Sticks

Summertime Journal with Prompts

Duck Tape Crafts

Terra Cotta Pinch Pots

Rainbow Collage

Watermelon Card

FREE Summertime Printables

Summertime Journal Printable

Summertime Watermelon Party Printable

Word Search Puzzles

Cheers to Summertime!


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