Adorable Succulent Plants in a Duncan Ceramic Pot

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I love live plants, flowers and trees.  I have a deep admiration for my friends with green thumbs and beautiful gardens.  I try.  I really do.  Sometimes I get spectacularly lucky and things grow.  The truth is that I have had the best luck with geraniums on the front porch.  While I was at SNAP a couple of weeks ago, I was the lucky recipient of these adorable artificial succulent plants from FloraCraft.  I knew right away that I could turn them into something pretty for my home and so I happily accepted them with a smile (and a plan).


With my new found love for painting ceramics and learning the tricks of firing in my Skutt kiln, I got to work.  This is how it all started.


I painted the flower pot and added the heart with French Dimensions.  It is so cool the way it acts as a cement to adhere pieces together than completes the process in the firing.  I love the way it came out.


I used the printed burlap (also from FloraCraft) rolled up in the base of the pot to create a place for the stems to be held in place then added the stems.  I put some yard rocks on top to add weight and set it all.  Ta Da!


I am pretty sure it looks real!  I think so anyway and since it is going in my kitchen that is what matters.  The message GROW will remind me that every moment is a new one filled with opportunity and possibility.



If you want to know more about succulent plants, there is tons of information on Wikipedia right HERE!

Cheers and Happy Creating,


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