Best Harry Potter Christmas Crafts

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Enjoy LOADS of magical crafty ideas with a Harry Potter Christmas theme!

There are two things that I believe are truly magical. They are Christmas and all things Harry Potter. I am so super excited to share a whole bunch of the best Harry Potter Christmas Crafts and DIY ideas. There are ideas here for Harry Potter Christmas Tree Ornaments. There are ideas for Harry Potter Christmas gift wrapping, home decor and even sweet treats.   

Before we get starting making all the things, let’s prep for Christmas morning breakfast.  This recipe for butterbeer pancakes is perfect!

Harry Potter Christmas Ideas

Harry Potter DIY Christmas Ornament Crafts #harrypotterchristmas #harrypotterornnament

I love teaming up for Team Creative Crafts!

Team Creative Crafts Harry Potter Christmas

I am excited to share these awesome Christmas Harry Potter crafty ideas with you too! 

Harry Potter Christmas Craft Ideas and DIY to decorate the tree and the home. There are loads of great gift ideas and free printables too. #harrypotter #christmas #wizardingworld #crafts #DIY
Harry Potter Christmas Craft Ideas and DIY to decorate the tree and the home. There are loads of great gift ideas and free printables too. #harrypotter #christmas #wizardingworld #crafts #DIY

YAY for all things magical!

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44 thoughts on “Best Harry Potter Christmas Crafts”

  1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is my favorite movie. My nephew is really into Harry Potter books and movies!

  2. My favorite Harry potter movie is the first one called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone because everything was so new and unexpected.

  3. The Sorcerer’s Stone! I think I’ll try to convince my daughter’s to have a HP marathon with me! It has been a while!!

  4. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2 … the ending, oh, that ending! After investing so much time and energy into the series, flipping over that last page to know how it all ended was euphoric.

  5. The first book is my favorite because it started my fan journey (shared with my youngest daughter). WE have all the books and the movies.

  6. I just love Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I loved meeting the characters and getting to know them when they were young and just getting to know each other.

  7. The first Harry Potter movie is my favorite because it’s the one we all went to as a family. It was the magical discovery of the Potter Universe for my kids.

  8. I started reading these books to my children and continued even after they fell asleep. I guess, sorcerer’s stone would be my favorite considering that’s the one i kept on reading even after they feel asleep.

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