Gluten Free Quinoa and Vegetable Meatloaf

We are working on creating healthier eating habits around here these days.  Quinoa is highly recommended for all of us and veggies, well they are an of course!  Last night I mixed together some ingredients I had on hand and it was delish.  We are calling it quinoa and vegetable meatloaf. This is what I mixed together then molded into a loaf in the dish. It was  bit gooey which …

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Crinkle Cookies Stamped With Sweet Sugary Love Notes

We love crinkle cookies because they are so super easy peasy to make and take a matter of minutes from start to eating them.  Last night at Target we found this amazing cake mix and so it was decided….crinkle cookies as soon as we got home! This is the cake mix we used.  Not only is the packaging adorable, the strawberry flavor is delicious! They stack up pretty! And they …

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Create a Hot Cocoa Bar For Kids

Kids love to add sugary happiness to not only cookies and cupcakes but to hot cocoa too.  Zoe had a sleepover party this weekend and we created this hot cocoa bar for the kids in the morning.  It was a total hit. This is how it started. The created their crazy cocoa masterpieces with sprinkles and frosting and confectionery decor from Wilton in addition to marshmallows and whipped cream.  Then …

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Cherry Almond Muffin Mix Created with Love and Stamped to Give

I created this muffin mix gift in a jar using the book that I purchased at World Market, Make It In a Jar and then tested a batch to make sure it worked.  It did and these little cherry almond muffins are fantastic.  I used my Love Heart stamp from Expressionery and made a little gift tag to tie on.  The directions for the baking is on the back.  It …

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Peanut Butter Cookies with Wilton Vanilla Melts & Sprinkles

First of all, let me start by saying that EVERYTHING is better with sprinkles.  Making things cute and yummy…yep, that’s what we do around here.  These peanut butter cookies with vanilla melts and sprinkles from Wilton are just that…yummy and adorable too. We made a generic peanut butter cookie recipe but made the cookie sizes pretty smallish, fitting 15 to a sheet.  We baked them and while they were still …

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Celebrating National Pie Day PIE-OGRAPHY Style

Yesterday I was on the phone chatting with Michele Muska and I mentioned that tomorrow is going to be National Pie Day.  She followed up with sharing all about the book Pie-Ography with me and how honored she is to have her pie on the cover.  The book features 42 recipes by 39 extraordinary women!  It also share their stories in mini biographies.  It is genius!  Today the doorbell rang …

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Wilton Valentine Whoopie Pies

It all started when we found the whoopie pie pan at Michaels yesterday after church.  We have been wanting to make macaroons and get trendy around here but weren’t sure how to start.  The pan looked like the solution.  The great news is that the recipe comes on the inside of the pan packaging…SCORE!  We did adapt to make them vanilla flavored with a chocolate cream inside. We baked them …

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Heart Sugar Cookies to LOVE

When it is cold (which is was yesterday), I like to bake.  It warms things up and creates happy all over our home.  Sugar cookies are always a favorite, especially ones that are decorated and adorable when they make it to school lunch with Daddy (which they did) to be shared with the 6th grade lunch bunch. It all started with a pouch of Betty Crocker sugar cookie mix and …

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