Use these free printable notes to spread gratitude.
Raising girls to be grateful and appreciative is part of Girl Scouts. There are so many times that people outside of the troop volunteer to help the girls learn and grow. Many adults share their gifts and talents with the girls to help them earn badges, earn journeys and become accomplished. As a lifelong Girl Scout myself, and currently a leader in Colorado, I think that when we all work together to give what we can; we change the outcome for the girls. Every year I get requests to make customized thank you notes for troops. I decided to watercolor paint this Girl Scout Thank You Notes Printable collection for all of y’all to download free and use.

Teaching Gratitude to Kids
Being grateful isn’t a thing we teach kids to do but a way that we teach them to be. The act of writing and giving a thank you note is about creating a connection with another human. It is a way of letting them know that their gift or act of kindness (whether it is liked it or not) is appreciated. Relationships take giving and loving from both sides. Here are five really simple and great ways to teach gratitude at home and in Girl Scout meetings.
- Saying Thanks Often.
- Ask Gratitude Questions And Discuss.
- Perform Acts of Kindness Whether Random on Intentional.
- Model Gratitude By Writing Notes to Kids.
- Troop Gratitude Projects!
How To Use The Girl Scout Thank You Notes Printable Collection
Here are some ways to use this collection.
Print, Cut and Put in Envelopes!
This is a great way to show and express gratitude. It is the easiest way to send a note through the mail too. These notes are designed to be able to be used for cookie season and really any time of year at all. When you cut these into four they measure 4 1//4 by 5 1/2 each so fit in an A2 sized envelope.

Print, Cut and Tape to Boxes!
Print these full size OR set your printed to print four to a page. This will provide SIXTEEN smaller versions of the note. Tape or tie them to cookie boxes. The Girl Scout Thank You Notes Printable collection is so versatile.

Print, Cut and Use in Crafting!
I LOVE to craft. These can be added to card stock and blinged up. This would be a super fun project in a meeting to prep for cookie season.
Why I Buy Girl Scout Cookies (Taken Straight From My Instagram)
Why I Buy!!! If a Girl Scout selling cookies approaches me. I buy. If I see a booth set up outside a store. I stop and I buys. EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. This is my why.
These girls are mini entrepreneurs. They are expressing courage and strength to talk to me and tell me their dreams and plans. These girls are our next generation of leaders. I want to empower them. They are going to use the money for good. I believe this.
I don’t care if you think you are too fat and a diet is stopping you. When you tell them this, you damage their body image beliefs. I don’t care if you’re budget is tight. If you own a cell phone and a car to get to the store, you can find a way to buy a box. If you don’t want to eat them, donate them!
Buying Girl Scout cookies is your change to be a giver!!!! Do it. Be the change.
MORE Girl Scout Gratitude
I wrote a whole article for you on ways to raise grateful Girl Scouts, especially during cookie season. Get all of those ideas here on the blog.

MORE Girl Scout Cookie Selling Support
f you are looking for ideas for cookie booths, this post is super creative and helpful.

Best Ways to Use Free Printables
You might have seen this list from me before but I think it is worth sharing over and over. Sometimes the people in the back need to hear things a few times, right? There are so many great ways to use free printables. Here are some of my favorites.
- Print them and mail in an envelope with a stamp. Snail mail rocks.
- Batch some up to make an activity book. This is great for a road trip!
- Print and use at a place setting on the table to create a conversation starter.
- Add them to goody bags. By the way, goody bags are not just for birthday parties.
- Package them up with your favorite markers and crayons to give as a gift.
- Drop a few off at the local coffee shop with fun pencils to spread some happy.
- Cut them up to make cards, gift wrap and decorations.
BEST Tools For Working With Free Printables
These are my favorite tools and art supplies to use with free printables and why I love them too.
- Printer – This Laser Printer is inexpensive and works like a charm. It even works with Alexa. Bonus!
- Scissors – Lots of printables can be cut up to create decorations and cards and things like that.
- Markers and Crayons – All thing ooly work the best for me. I LOVE all of their markers, pencils and crayons.
- Colored Pencils – For adult coloring, PRISM makes the colored pencils that I love to use most.
- Twine – For creating banners and garlands from printables, I love this twine best.
- Adhesive – Lots of printables have pieces that get cut out and put together. This is my fave tape runner!
Get the Free PRINTABLE
Download the FREE Girl Scout Thank You Notes Printable. There are 5 pages. The first has all of the different girls together. The next four pages are specific to different levels.

Would you rather have cards to color. Here are some of those. These would be great for mixed level troops.

Be sure to share this with your Girl Scout friends and leaders. PIN it to Pinterest too.