Hand Stamped Jewelry for #GenoStrong

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In December our youth pastor was diagnosed with a rare form of lymphoma called Burkitts..  From that day to this moment, I continue to believe in God’s plan for him, for me and for all of us.  So many stories and updates that his family has shared remind me of what I know, but often forget.  God is good.   Even it times that seem to be all dark and bad, God is good and He is with us.  I know they are getting tons of meals and support.  I have been praying and doing what I can to help with things at church but I have been wanting to do more.  Today as I was hand stamping jewelry for a Girl Scout project, it hit me.  I could make some things for Geno’s mom.  So I did. I made hand stamped jewelry for #GenoStrong with my ImpressArt stamps and stamp blanks.

Geno Strong Charm

I found this verse on the #GenoStrong Facebook wall.  I looked it up and did an entry in my journaling Bible.

GenoStrong Bible Verse

I am wearing the bracelet right now.  I guess I will have to take it off and wrap it up to be able to give it to Rhonda.

Geno Strong Bracelet

If you would, please add Geno to your prayers.  Add his family and our church family too.



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