Make Your Own Game Pieces with Clay

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Make Your Own Game Pieces with Clay

Let’s get started and jump right in to make your own game pieces with clay.  Playing games is a great for so many reasons.  Having your own custom made playing pieces makes it even better.  I am not only going to (hopefully) inspire you to make your own game pieces with clay but also share some ways to use them to create fun and connection with your family.  I recommend using Sculpey Bake Shop Clay with little kids because it is super easy to work with and creates great results.  Of course I do really LOVE Sculpey Souffle too!

These are great for so many reasons.  First of all, kids love to MAKE THINGS.  When you put out the clay, be sure to give these directions to your kids before you make your own game pieces with clay!  The Sculpey Souflee blends great if they want a different shade or color.

  • Make twelve game pieces.
  • All pieces must be the same.
  • The pieces should be no more than 1 inch in diameter. (Show them a quarter)
  • The pieces should all sit flat.
  • Your pieces must be completely different from any other girl in the troop.
  • Share the clay.
  • Have fun.

Souffle Clay

Have them place their pieces on a baking tray for the cooking part.

Zoe Emoticon Clay Game Pieces

Follow the directions on the packaging for the baking tp Make Your Own Game Pieces with Clay!

Zoe with Sculpey Clay Game Pieces

They will do the rest.  Check out some of the ones made by Cadette Girl Scouts (ages 11-12).

Clay Game Pieces

Each kid can also made a bag to carry their own pieces.

Expressionery Stamp on Bag for Game Pieces

These emoticons are absolutely darling and so trendy too.

Expressionery Stamp on Bag for Game Pieces 2

Okay now, games.  The easiest is Tic-Tac-Toe.  You can make a board in the dirt (or draw one on the canvas bag).

DIY Clay Game Pieces

Let’s Play DIY Checkers

With twelve pieces, you can also play checkers.  Here is a PDF that you can download.  To laminate it and make it camping ready, cover both sides in packing tape!

Game Board Checkers Printable

You can also use the pieces for building self esteem.

  1. Each person puts one of her pieces in a container.
  2. Once the container has a piece from everyone, sit in a circle.
  3. Start with somoen pulling one out and saying something kind about whoever made it.
  4. Go all the way around the circle.
  5. If a person pulls out her own, BONUS.  She gets to compliment herself.

You can use the pieces to create “buddies”.  Put them in the container and draw two at a time.  Those two people become “buddies”

Clay Game Pieces Soufflee Sculpey

If you use these with Girl Scouts at camp, the girls will probably want to hide them around the tent or cabin and take turns finding them.  Just know that they MIGHT get lost.

At then end of camp, trade the pieces so each girl goes home with one from all of the others.  They create a little clay collection that reminds them of their friends.  If you have more than twelve girls, you will have to have made extra pieces.

Here is the link to another fun DIY too…SitUpons for Girl Scouts using Sizzix dies.  I love the Oly-Fun because it is simply for girls to work with.


Cheers to Making and Playing Games


Another great DIY game is the Yard Game with Dice.  You can get the directions to make it AND the free score sheet on the blog right here.

Yard Games with Dice for Kids of All Ages




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