Going back to school after the winter break is almost like a fresh start in the classroom, not only for the students but for teachers too. The first three months of calendar dies that I designed for Ellison can help reboot a classroom and you have the chance to win all three at the end of this post. First of all, let me share which three dies in the calendar set were designed to kick of the the year. For January, I designed a winter hat. For February, I designed a heart. For March, I designed a frog.
The winter hat is great to use in creating table markers. I also love it for creating name tags that can be used on lockers and cubbies because it has the wide rim.
The heart is perfect for creating a station where kids can write nice notes to each other. To make the large pocket envelope, I used a large piece of card stock and then folded it before doodling it into an envelope. To make the sides attach, I used two sided tape. The heart is also a great size for the actual notes.
I used the frog to decorate the cover of a journal. It is great for kids to use when writing “Hoppy Thoughts” or “Leaping In To a New Year” entries.
If you would like to win these three dies, you can enter right HERE.
Cheers to a new year filled with creativity, sharing and connection!