Tips for Building a Brand

Tips for Building a Brand with Stickers

I am excited about the new year that is right around the corner.  Each year I choose a new word that will guide me through the twelve months in a direction that matches the meaning.  For 2020, my word is dauntless.  I plan to push forward in growing my brand fearlessly and with determination.  Some of my tips for building a brand are ones that I am excited to share. …

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The Laura Kelly Design Team’s Back to School with Ellison Series

The Laura Kelly Design Team’s Back to School with Ellison series makes me so crazy happy. For starters, I LOVE these members of my team so much. They are so super creative and fill my life with such love, inspiration and fun. I created a fun little bunch of decor using the items from the Dollar Spot in Target with vinyl and my Lemonade Alphabet along with the Badges dies. …

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Jo Packham Joins the Laura Kelly Design Team

It is truly with such great honor that I announce that Jo Packham is the honorary member of the inaugural Laura Kelly Design Team.  As a leader in the creative industry, she brings such depth to this team of awesome bloggers.  I can speak for the whole team when I say that we are all super excited to work alongside her on our mission to inspire others to create!   …

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Laura Kelly Inaugural 2016 Design Team

I have decided to create a Laura Kelly Inaugural 2016 Design Team.  This team will consist of bloggers who share about educational projects, craft projects, paper craft projects, party decor or projects for kiddos.  I am really excited about taking this next step and working with this team.  If you are interested in being a part of the team, you can apply HERE. The members of the team will be required …

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