DIY Upcycled Blanket Snowman

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DIY Upcycled Blanket Snowman

While recently thrifting at the antique mall, I came across this white blanket that was about the size for a crib. It was so soft but had the best texture too so I bought it. Mind you, I had no idea what I was going to do with it. Well, it was sitting in the tub while I was ripping colored fabric for gnome scarves and I had a vision of the ripped fabric being larger and making scarves for snowmen. I immediately drew a pattern to make a DIY Upcycled Blanket Snowman!

Upcycled Blanket Snowman Decor #snowman #snowmancraft #upcycle #recycle #blanket

Materials Needed

  • White Blanket (Thrifted is BEST)
  • Poly-Fil®
  • Sewing Machine
  • Needle and Thread
  • Embroidery Floss
  • Fabric Scraps
  • Scissors
  • Straight Pins

Before we start making the snowman, you might like this too. If upcycling is your thing – this pillow was made from a sweater I found at a thrift shop. Get all of the directions and make it too!

Upcycled Cable Knit Sweater Pillow

Directions for Recycled Blanket Snowman

Step One

Download the free pattern and cut it out. Use it to cut out two white pieces from the blanket. If you are planning to make a bunch of them, cut them all out at the same time. If you have good fabric scissors, you might be able to cut four to six pieces at once. I find that it works best to pin the pattern through the fabric before cutting. It is also an option to trace the pattern and cut.

Recycled Blanket Snowman Pattern

Step Two

Pin two pieces together. If you use more pins than less, your fabric has a better chance of staying in place while sewing.

Step Three

Sew around the outside edge with a 1/2 inch seam, leaving a 3-4 inch opening.

Step Four

Flip the fabric and stuff with Poly-Fil®

Seven Steps to Stuffing a Pillow

  1. Turn the pillow fabric right side out. If you are sewing a pillow, do most of the sewing with the pattern sides facing each other. Leave a few inches open on one side, then turn it right side out.
  2. Pull out a handful of Poly-Fil®
  3. Tease it apart into a fluffy cloud.  This will help eliminate clumping.
  4. Push the Poly-Fil® into the pillow, pressing it into the far corners and crevices of the pillow.
  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4, pulling out chunks of fiberfill that are similar size and consistency. Continue until the pillow is stuffed full.
  6. Sew up the open edge of the pillow with hand stitching.
  7. Squeeze the pillow all over, pushing around the Poly-Fil® inside until it distributed to your liking.

Step Five

Using a needle and thread, hand stitch the opening closed.

Step Six

Now is a great time to hit that fabric stash. Is yours organized. Here is the awesome way I keep my fabric organized.

How to Make Mini Bolts of Fabric

Embellish the snowman. Add embroidery stitches for eyes and a nose.

Use longs scraps of torn fabric tied around the neck to create a scarf. This is a fun time to also use scraps of trims and ribbons if you have them in your craft stash. Add buttons either with fabric glue or by stitching them on.

Ten Reasons to Craft

I am going to say this again.  Crafting is just a great idea.  It is proven that crafting can be really good for mental and emotional health.  Studies show that making and crafting can lower anxiety.  Another benefit to crafting is that it creates connection.  When we make things and give them to others, we spread kindness and love.  Here are my top ten reasons to craft with kids, and I mean kids of all ages.

  1. Mental Health Benefits – Crafting puts me in a good mood.
  2. Self Expression – Crafting allows me to express myself.
  3. Education and Growth – I learn new skills by making things.
  4. Connection – Crafting connects me others through workshops, classes and gifting.
  5. Decor – Through making and crafting, I can totally customize every aspect of my decor.
  6. Gift Giving – Gifts is totally my love language.  I love to make handmade gifts.
  7. Offline Time – Crafting keeps me off of my phone and social media. We all know this can be beneficial.
  8. Income – Because I craft and sell items that I make, I have an additional income source.
  9. Fun – I like to have fun and to me, making things is fun.
  10. Socializing – Attending events where crafting is a part gets me out and around others with like minds.

Upcycled Blanket Snowman Decor with PolyFil Stuffing FFW #snowman #snowmancraft #upcycle #recycle #blanket

Another Great Idea with Poly-Fil®

If you like making stuffed shape pillows, you might also really love this love pig shaped pillow. The pattern is FREE on the blog.

Looking for more patterns? I have you covered.

Free Patterns Laura Kelly Printable Library





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