How to Cross Stitch a Topiary Key Ring

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This is a darling and simple beginner cross stitch project!

Growing up in my family required learning to cross stitch as a hobby. We all did it – even my two brothers. The family basket of embroidery floss and supplies was pretty much always in use. I am excited to reignite my passion. I can’t wait to show you How to Cross Stitch with this free topiary pattern. The biggest mess of if all was the floss. It seems that is was always tangled which could be a deal breaker when wanting to stitch. With the new Anchor® Embroidery Floss Spools ,that mess is totally avoidable which makes them my favorite.

How to Cross Stitch a Topiary Key Ring

Materials and Supplies Needed

There are loads of awesome cross stitch patterns to be had. This is a quick and fun one that requires few colors of embroidery floss to create. It is a great one to take on the road and do on vacation. The following is a supply list to make a cross stitch key ring.

If you plan to frame it, you will need a frame too.

How to Cross Stitch the Topiary Directions

Start by cutting your fabric to fit in your hoop, ensuring that the hoop is large enough to fit the entire design. When doing large cross stitch designs, the hoop sometimes gets moved around over a bigger piece of fabric but for beginners – I recommend a hoop that doesn’t have to be moved until completion.

Step One

One of the most important tools in an embroiderer’s stitching kit is the embroidery hoop. It keeps the working fabric taut while working, making the stitching much more enjoyable. Learning how to use a hoop is easy peasy and the first step is setting it up.

Separate the two pieces of the hoop. Lay your fabric over the piece, making sure the side you want to stitch on is facing up. Unscrew the tension screw enough to place the outer hoop over the fabric. It should already be a little taut. Tighten the screw ensuring that the fabric is evenly distributed.


Keeping the fabric under tension can put a lot of stress on the fabric. If you’re taking a break from working on your project, remove your fabric from the hoop until starting back up again.

Step Two

Start with your first color. I like to work from the top to the bottom of a design so green is first. Cut a piece of embroidery floss at least eighteen inches long then separate it into two sets of three strands. Note that the longer the piece of embroidery floss is, the more stitching can be done before needing to rethread.

Thread the needle and tie a knot in the end.

Step Three

Push your needle through the back of the fabric in the place where you want your design to being. For this, I am starting a little left of center. Use the free topiary cross stitch pattern!

The first row of the top of the topiary has 4 crosses followed by a skip then three more crosses. Stitch the first parts of the crosses from left to right. Learning how to cross stitch is really a matter of counting and stitching.

Step Four

Come back from right to left, completing the crosses in that first row.

Step Five

Continue with the green until completing the bushy part of the topiary. Count the stitches in each row and follow the pattern. If you run out of embroider floss, tie a knot in the back and start a new set of three strands.

Step Six

Complete the rest of the design using the same cross stitching method.

Making the Key Ring

To make your cross stitch design into a keychain, cut the fabric along the sides so that when they are folded in on the backside, they touch. Trim the top and the bottom leaving about 3/4 inch.

Glue the folded sides to the back of your cross stitch and add a ribbon down the middle. My favorite glue for this is Fabri-Fuse from Eclectic.

Place clothespins on the sides to hold in place until the glue dries.

Add keyring hardware with plyers to complete your fashion accessory.

Free Pattern

Grab this free pattern and use it to make your own cross stitch project. You can frame it or turn it into about anything you want!

More Fun Projects with Embroidery Floss

I love using embroidery floss to create fashion. Here are a few other projects you might enjoy making that are here on the blog.

The Summer Sun Hat with Embroidered Message is a great way to express yourself.

Handmade Embroidered Patches are a really fun way to upcycle jeans into something new.

Whip up a Recycled Denim Bag with embroidery floss and a pair of old jeans.

No More Tangled Skeins

No more tangled skeins- floss stays neat and tidy with the new Anchor® Embroidery Floss Spools. The floss rolls smoothly off the spool and doesn’t tangle or knot when pulling out a length to work with. Storage is neat and tidy with spools, no more piles of tangled floss. It can now be found at Michaels and JoAnn Fabrics.

More Fun with Cross Stitch

Y’all probably know how much I LOVE all things Harry Potter, especially Luna Lovegood. This SpectreSpecs pattern is free over on Artsy Fartsy Mama!

How adorable is this strawberry cross stich project by Creatively Beth ? I am hoping she sends it me so I can frame it for my kitchen. Grab the free pattern over on her blog!

Sharing is Caring! Too busy to make this right away?! Pin it for later!  Pin this project to your favorite craft board on Pinterest and it’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready.

How to Cross Stitch a Topiary Key Ring

I would really love to hear what you think about this embroidery floss fashion idea and how to cross stitch! If you try it out, I would sure like to see it! Share on InstagramFacebook, or leave a comment/photo on the project pin on Pinterest! #LauraKellyDesigns

This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, it is no extra cost to you but supports me and my small business.



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2 thoughts on “How to Cross Stitch a Topiary Key Ring”

  1. Anything with cross stitch and I am all in! My 3 older sisters taught me and sadly I am the only one who still has a project in the works at all times. It is my go to stress relief. Thanks for sharing and this post will be one of the features this week. #HomeMattersParty

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