Homework Emergency Kits for #SooperMoms

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Yesterday was the day that our kiddos went back to school.  My bestie (Housewife Hellraiser Laura Neiman) and I threw a celebration in the Starbucks at King Soopers with full support from the King Soopers marketing team.  It was fantastic!  One of the things that we gave the moms was homework emergency kits…for those times when a kid can’t find what he needs!  Check them out!

Back to School Goody Bags

We included the necessities…

Supplies for Homework Stash

…and a little extra sweet treat too.  You can order personalized lollipops in my online store ShopLauraKelly!

SooperMom Lollipop

Once they were all bagged up, we added the note on the apple.  The apple die-cut was created with the apple die that I designed for Sizzix.  You can get it HERE.  I used all decorative papers from AdornIt.  It is so exciting to think that in a few short weeks, my line of papers will be launching with them!

Homework Emergency Stash

Ta Da!

Emergency Homework Stash Bags

It is always fun to receive goody bags but way more so to create them!  Head over to your local King Soopers (or Kroger) and get all of the things you need.





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