Expressionery LOVES Teachers and Teachers LOVE Laura Kelly for Expressionery

Did you know that Expressionery LOVES Teachers and Teachers LOVE Laura Kelly for Expressionery!  It’s true.  This post was sponsored by Expressionery but know that all ideas and opinions are my own.  I created this adorable gift for Katy Rowland, an elementary school art teacher with two little artist daughters of her own.  I know she is going to flip out and love it. Before I share more…you should know that …

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Udderly Smooth Awesome Gift In a Paint Can

This post is sponsored by Udderly Smooth but all ideas and opinions are my own.  This Udderly Smooth awesome gift in a paint can was super fun to create.  I can’t wait to give it away!  Udderly Smooth makes the perfect gift for everyone in my life but this time of year we are thinking about teachers.  After all, teacher appreciation is right around the corner. You can grab these …

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Art Educator Night at Meininger Art Materials

Last night I had the honor of attending Art Educator Night at Meininger Art Materials as a Senior Brand Ambassador for Tombow USA.  It was a night filled with creative energy, connection and appreciation.  Not only did I get to share and spread Tombow love, I had the opportunity to meet so many lovely art teachers who are making a difference for the youth in Denver.  I miss being in …

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Fiskars Love

I am pretty much in love with crafting tools and a few of my faves are made by Fiskars.  I am sharing them here along with a few little project ideas for Valentine’s Day! The scissors are fabulous.  I love the wavy ones (and my pinking ones too) for edges on fabric that is not sewn.  This little tool rocks for cutting tiny pieces of thread that are hard to …

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Udderly Awesome Christmas Gift Ideas

It is true that I love Udderly Smooth products so so much.  If you follow any of my social platforms, you know this already.  I must disclose that this post has been sponsored by Udderly Smooth which means I have been provided with compensation.  HOWEVER, all ideas, opinions and the likes are mine…all mine.  Here are some udderly awesome Christmas gift ideas for friends and family.  Also, I am an …

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Udderly Smooth in the Classroom

This post is sponsored which means I am being compensated.  You had better believe that even so, the opinions are mine…all mine.  It is true, I am not a teacher…any more!  I was though.  I taught for years and LOVED it so much.  I think that Udderly Smooth in the Classroom is a great thing! This post is sponsored by Udderly Smooth and while my home and studio are not …

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My World Market Sewing Studio Tour

Let me start out by sharing that I am an ambassador for World Market because I LOVE everything about the company/store from the product to the employees to the philosophy.  I especially love the social media team and the leader of this fearless shopping bevy.  This room makeover was in part sponsored by World Market and I could not be more appreciative.  Some creative people bake and others cook.  Some …

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Laura Kelly Designs New Teacher Checks and Labels

It’s true, these adorable NEW products that I designed for Checks in the Mail are now available…just in time for ‘Back to School’!  Yippeee!!!  The Laura Kelly Designs new teacher checks and labels are great for personal and classroom use…as well as daycare, private schools and home schools! Personally, I LOVE the leather checkbook cover so so much!  I don’t write many checks so I am putting a pad of …

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Easy Peasy Cake Pops with Dunkin Donuts

The other day my bestie (Laura Neiman from Housewife Hellraiser) stopped by and  asked me to go with her to Dunkin Donuts for some awesome iced coffee. I always love the entire Dunkin Donut experience that starts with the color scheme…orange and pink!  That probably sound super silly but to me, colors matter and driving up, it’s the first sense that gets hit.  Next of course is the smell when …

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R.A.B. as in Random Act of Berries from Shari’s Berries

It all started on Instagram with a friendly and fun exchange and then…  I am not even kidding, I received a R.A.B. today as in a Random Act of  Berries from Shari’s Berries today.  Talk about the ultimate act of spreading kindness.  This so way beats the pay it forward coffee I received a few weeks ago by a long shot. Ding dong.  That was my doorbell.  “Hi Laura!”  That …

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